Every road will leave a trail. Time is like an eraser, you can easily erase the things you have carelessly missed, but it cannot erase those because of the fault and branded in your heart. Misses and faults often lie in one idea. Don't be miserable about what you missed, and don't be unhappy about your mistakes. Life is too short to waste time on the past. Never think about the days that have passed. Live your life and forget your age.
Every road will leave a trail. Time is like an eraser, you can easily erase the things you have carelessly missed, but it cannot erase those because of the fault and branded in your heart. Misses and faults often lie in one idea. Don't be miserable about what you missed, and don't be unhappy about your mistakes. Life is too short to waste time on the past. Never think about the days that have passed. Live your life and forget your age.