等有一天,终于不再在乎,也就自由,也自在了。 会有那一天吗? 时间会让你明白所有的在乎都是自找苦吃,都是束缚,都得放下。人生漫长的路,流着泪学到的其中一件事情,就是不在乎。
One day, I finally no longer care, and I am free and comfortable. Will there be that day? Time will let you know that all care is self-seeking, it is bound, and you have to let go. The long roads of life, one of the things that I learned through tears, is that I don’t care.
One day, I finally no longer care, and I am free and comfortable. Will there be that day? Time will let you know that all care is self-seeking, it is bound, and you have to let go. The long roads of life, one of the things that I learned through tears, is that I don’t care.