每个人心中都有一个不为人知的角落,在这个角落里,也许堆满了不愿触碰的忧伤,也许是一个难以启齿的悄然的梦,再或者,也许,是曾经的不愿提及的错误和悔恨……因为那些上了锁的封存的记忆,就安静地躺在时光里,如果没有触景生情,也许,我们一辈子都不愿再去触碰。给自己的心灵留一个角落,并不是固步自封,更不是让自己沉沦,有时候,锁在心里的东西,会成为让生命默默迸发的强大动力。并不是刻意要保留这样一个角落,而是当痛苦和忧伤无处安放,我们需要一个让灵魂解脱和安静的地方。--- --- 被遗落的角落

Everyone has an unknown corner in their hearts. In this corner, they may be filled with sadness that they do not want to touch. Maybe it is an uneasy quiet dream. Or, perhaps, it is once unwilling to mention The mistakes and remorse... Because of the memory of the locked locks, they lie quietly in time, and if there is no emotion, perhaps we will never want to touch again. To leave a corner for your own mind is not to rest on your laurels, and it is not to sink yourself. Sometimes things that are locked in your heart will become powerful forces that will allow you to express your life silently. It is not a deliberate attempt to preserve such a corner, but when pain and sorrow are nowhere to rest, we need a place where the soul can be liberated and quiet. --- --- The Lost Corner 

